ace agility · build a bond with your dog

ace agility
build a bond with your dog

We run agility classes in the Bournemouth area for both beginners and dogs with experience / already competing in agility. We also teach pre-agility foundations for puppies and young dogs under a year.

We are fully booked!

We are currently fully booked for our training and agility sessions for the next couple of months. Therefore we are unable to take any new bookings at present.

If you'd like to know when spaces are available again, please pop in your email address and we'll notify you when they do!

What we do!

Ace Agility mainly teaches pet dog owners who are looking to understand how to train their dogs and build a better bond with them.
We aim to improve your dog’s enthusiasm and focus.

We run agility classes in the Bournemouth area for both beginners and dogs with experience / already competing in agility. We also teach pre-agility foundations for puppies and young dogs under a year.

How we train

Although I mainly teach pet dog owners, I have a few students who regularly compete. I have been training and competing in agility for 20 years. I have run large, medium and small dogs in Grade 7, the highest grade in Kennel Club agility and have competed at Crufts and Olympia finals. I am also a qualified Kennel Club agility judge and have many years of judging experience.


I aim to make training fun for your dog by breaking down training into small chunks of easily learned skills, all trained in isolation such as turns, tunnels, contacts, weaves and drive so that your dog can easily understand.


As your dog’s understanding improves these skills will slowly build into small sequences that gradually progress until your dog is able to move on to full courses.


Once this standard has been reached you will be able to compete in competition should you so wish or simply continue enjoying agility for fun!

About us and our training

Agility is great fun and is a fantastic way of strengthening the bond between you and your dog

However, before thinking about starting agility, your dog needs to have a basic level of obedience including a recall and a reasonable wait. As your dog will be required to work off lead around other dogs, it is important that your dog is under control.

We offer both small group classes and 1-1 lessons.

We train to competition standard so if you ever decide to compete, you and your dog will be well equipped to do so.

We use a very methodical, fun approach with beginners that makes the training process enjoyable and ensures you and your dog understand each step.

We use only kind and positive. reward based training methods, this ensures your dog feels safe, happy, relaxed and wants to work for you

We teach a combination of European and traditional handling using the most suitable methods tailored to each individual handler and dog

Contact Us

If you require further information or if you would like to be put on our waiting list then please fill out the contact form below. Thankyou!

Ace Agility are based in the Bournemouth area and we provide a range of classes for both beginner and experienced dogs who may already be competing in agility. We also teach pre-agility foundations for puppies and young dogs under a year.